Vision Topics

  • Corneal Transplantation

    Corneal transplantation is a surgical procedure to replace part of a damaged or diseased cornea with corneal tissue from a donor. The cornea is the transparent, dome-shaped surface on the front of the eye. It plays a large part in vision by helping to focus light onto the retina. Reasons for Corneal

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  • Intacs

    Intacs Intacs, or intracorneal ring segments (ICRS), is a non-laser treatment for mild nearsightedness. It can also be used to treat the astigmatism and nearsightedness that occurs with keratoconus, one type of corneal disorder. How Intacs Works Intacs is a pair of crescent-shaped plastic devices

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  • What is Glaucoma

    Glaucoma is a condition characterized by excessive pressure in the eye, or intraocular pressure. This irregularly high pressure is due to a buildup of fluid in the eye. As intraocular pressure increases, it can compress the eye’s optic nerve, eventually leading to vision loss. Around 3 million people

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  • iStent

    The iStent Trabecular Micro-Bypass is a surgical device that is available for use in treating patients with mild-to-moderate open-angle glaucoma. Glaucoma is characterized by an excessive accumulation of fluid inside the eye, which leads to an increase in the inner eye pressure (intraocular pressure).

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  • Keratoconus

    While keratoconus can happen at any stage of life, young people between the ages of 10 and 25 are most likely to develop this disorder. For individuals with keratoconus, their cornea, the clear layer in the front of your eye, gradually thins and begins to bulge outward. Keratoconus typically causes nearsightedness

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San Diego, CA 92121



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