Vision Topics

  • Eye Pain

    Eye pain is not normal and should always be checked by your eye care professional. It is especially urgent if the pain comes with any of the following symptoms: The pain is intense and sudden. Your eye is injured or is being irritated by a foreign object. The pain comes with sensitivity to light or

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  • Retinitis Pigmentosa

    The term retinitis pigmentosa (RP) refers to a set of degenerative genetic diseases that gradually kill off the light-sensing cells (rods and cones) of the retina, eventually causing blindness. It is a relatively rare genetic disorder, affecting only 1 in 4,000 people. Retinitis pigmentosa can be difficult

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  • Macular Dystrophy

    You may have heard of macular degeneration, an age-related condition in which people suffer permanent vision loss due to damage in a part of the retina called macula. But you may not be so familiar with a similar macular condition that also causes vision loss -- even in young people. This condition,

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  • Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Retinitis

    Cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis is a serious disease causing compromised vision and ultimately a total loss of vision. CMV retinitis is typically associated with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). In the early days of the AIDS epidemic, nearly one-quarter of all individuals diagnosed with late-stage

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  • Pinguecula and Pterygium (Surfer's Eye)

    Characterized by a yellowish raised part of the scleral conjunctiva (the lining of the white part of the eye), a pinguecula usually develops near the cornea (colored part of the eye), but does not extend past it. Similar to a callus on the skin, changes in tissues lead to the buildup of calcium, fat,

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San Diego, CA 92121



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